Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris burns in fire.
CBS gives lame explanation for Tweet with words “assassinate President Trump”.
Most Americans got tax cuts, but believe dishonest Democrats and media who say
they didn’t.
Mueller Report to be released Thursday morning.
The top 2020 Democrat candidates are all wealthy 1 percenters.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
I discussed a new discovery showing the Earth’s magnetic field is weakening at an accelerated rate, now losing 5% per decade, and how this is yet more evidence the Earth is only 6000 years old, not 4.6 billion.
Joaquin Phoenix who plays Jesus in the new movie “Mary Magdalene” refuses to do miracle scene the way Jesus did, saying “who the f*** would do that?”
Guest Interview: Alexandra Kuykendall to discuss her book “Loving My Actual Neighbor”.
Guest Interview: Pastor Rich Wilkerson Sr to discuss his book “I Choose Honor: The Key to Relationships, Faith and Life”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
With this being Easter week, I continued my series on the historical proofs for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.