Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
I discussed and analyzed the latest Rasmussen poll showing President Trump with a 52% approval rate.
Democrats holding up border
wall negotiations by demanding less detention beds doe violent felons.
Now Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green Deal” has the embarrassing “eliminating cows and
airplanes” and other radical details removed.
AOC team gets busted lying about her “Green Deal”, trying to blame others.
AOC adviser admits falsely claiming “Green Deal” doesn’t promise economic
security for those “unwilling to work”.
Ocasio-Cortez’s new “Green Deal” is insanely socialist.
POTUS trolls Elizabeth Warren on her officially entering 2020 race.
Pro-life Republicans in House plan to push hard to expose Democrats efforts to
block Bill protecting babies after they’re born.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
I shared a humorous story about a woman who thought Bob Dylan was a homeless man she was trying to give a free meal to.
“Severely disabled” child healed after mother refuses suggestion to abort him.
Guest Interview: Elizabeth Johnston, 70 million+ social media views blogger to discuss her book “Not On My Watch: How to Win the Fight for Family, Faith and Freedom”.
Guest Interview: Todd Hampson to discuss his book “The Non-Prophets Guide to the End Times: Bible Prophecy For Everyone”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed the ongoing debate among pastors as to whether altar calls are Biblical and/or effective.