Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
POTUS walks away from North Korea Summit.
Op-ed explaining how Trump walking away from Summit showed strength.
Even Trump-hating CNN report of Michael Cohen testimony accidentally favors Trump.
Black woman fires back at Rep. Rashida Tlaib for calling her a “prop”.
Conservatives call out Berkeley for not arresting liberal thug who beat up conservative in video.
5 Things Bernie Sanders, AOC and the other socialist Democrats don’t want you
to know.
Poll shows most Americans support even higher taxes on the rich, but a new poll
also shows the same percentage of Americans falsely think the rich pay less
taxes than middle-class.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
All of Illinois’ unnecessary
gun restriction laws did nothing to stop recent massacre.
Recent Illinois gun massacre happened, yet again, in a “gun free
I addressed the growing movement of blending Christianity and witchcraft.
Guest Interview: Dr. Julia Rivers to discuss natural, holistic approaches to Thyroid and other health problems.
Guest Interview: Terry Looper, Founder and CEO of the billion dollar energy company Texon LP to discuss his book “Sacred Pace: Four Steps to Hearing God and Aligning Yourself with His Will”.
Guest Interview: Lori Stanley Roeleveld to discuss her book “The Art of Hard Conversations: Biblical Tools for the Tough Talks that Matter”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed the North Korean Summit and President Trump walking out of the Summit as well as his overall handling of Kim Jong Un.