Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
CNN host Don Lemon declares “the biggest terror threat in this country is white men”.
CNN’s Jake Tapper refuses to challenge an analyst’s claim that Donald Trump “has radicalized more people than ISIS”.
Video montage and written list of evil, nasty smears against Trump from the main stream media.
I examined President Trump’s planned Executive Order to end “birthright citizenship” and explained why this is not what was intended by the 14th Amendment.
Guest Interview: Lt. Governor Candidate Lisa Posthumus Lyons to discuss the election.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
Guest Interview: Podiatrist Dr. Thomas Hosey to discuss natural methods to relieving foot pain.
Guest Interview: Former New Age leader Steven Bancarz to discuss his book “The Second Coming of the New Age”.
Guest Interview: Dr. Jerry Pattengale, author of “Is the Bible at Fault?” to discuss the ways where the Bible has been misinterpreted or taken out of context to justify bad behavior.
Other Issues Discussed….
I discussed Halloween, my views on whether Christians should celebrate it. I also examined the history of Halloween, the Christian origins of “All Hallows Eve” and the Pagan origins of Samhain. I also discussed “ghosts” from a Biblical perspective.
Is there a link for the article you read about the Christian origins of Halloween?