Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Now a third person Kavanaugh’s accuser says was at the drunken party denies any such party.
Kavanaugh’s accuser might be backing out of testifying before Congress.
Kavanaugh’s friend refuses to appear before Senate, but reaffirms his defense of Kavanaugh.
Op-ed addressing the craziness of the whole Kavanaugh case.
ABC News Chief Political Analyst calls Clarence Thomas a “sexual predator”.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
Guest Interview: Maggie Dunn, co-founder of House of Providence who took over for Promise Village Home for Children and Comedy for a Cause.
Guest Interview: Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, author of “The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies are Destroying Lives and Why the Church Was Right All Along”.
Guest Interview: Former U.S. State Department official Danny Toma to discuss his book “America First: Understanding the Trump Doctrine”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
NPR refuses ads for upcoming movie abortion doctor “Gosnell” if using the term “abortion doctor”.
University of Wisconsin-Madison students are demanding more “inclusive” ice cream.
U.K. battling the issue of sex-selection abortions reducing the female population.