Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 09 – 10 – 18

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Obama says midterms are a chance to “restore some sanity” to politics.

Obama says if Democrats don’t take the House, that “things can get worse”.–election.html

Former Narcissist-in-Chief Barack Obama references himself 102 times in 64 minute anti-Trump speech.

Comparing Trump’s record to Obama’s.

John Nolte’s great op-ed fact-checking Obama’s claims in Trump bashing/self praising speech.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: Messianic Jewish Rabbi Glenn Harris to discuss Rosh Hashana and the Jewish Holy Days and how they all point to Jesus.

Guest Interview: Katherine Hill, author of “Left to Their Own Devices” to discuss how parents can control the online activity of their kids.

Guest Interview: Best Selling author Pastor Carl Gallups to discuss his latest book “Gods of Ground Zero” about the Garden of Eden, it’s location and it’s significance.

Other Issues Discussed…..

Media continue to cite flawed study that claims illegal aliens commit less crimes than U.S. citizens.

Methodist Pastor argues against Brett Kavanaugh before Senate hearing, quoting Jesus to argue for legal abortion.

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