Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Trump endorsed Ron DeSantis wins Florida Primary for Governor’s race.
I examined the claim that Ron DeSantis was calling his black opponent a “monkey” when he used the term “monkey this up”.
New Study confirms how social media censors and suppresses conservative speech.
Google denies political bias after Trump calls them out for it.
Founder of Judicial Watch planning class action lawsuit against Google & Facebook for discrimination against conservatives.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
I discussed some Pew Polls that confirm how young people raised as Christians leave the faith as adults because of the Evolution issue.
Guest Interview: Autumn Miles to discuss her book “I Am Rahab: Touched by God, Fully Restored”.
Guest Interview: Fox News Legal Analyst Gregg Jarrett to discuss his #1 New York Times Best Selling book “The Russia Hoax”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I responded to a news story about how the Mormon church doesn’t want to be called “Mormon” anymore, by examining the various false, non-Christian doctrines of Mormonism.
Bob – I hope you are doing well! I really love your show. I’ve listened to you for probably 9-10 years and I rarely hear anything that i disagree with you on. Although, I did hear part of a segment several weeks ago on gambling that I need to do more research on. Surely, there is something in Proverbs that discusses gambling. But, I’ll get back with you on that and let you know my findings. Again, love the show!
I relocated from Birmingham, Alabama approximately 2 years ago and didn’t think I would be able to hear you on the radio since there isn’t an affiliate that carries your show here in Nashville. However, I found you on Tunein radio. Thank you Lord!
Have you given any thought to putting the Top Ten proofs in a downloadable format? A lot of people in my sphere of influence are not into CD’s and I would like to somehow share the TTP’s with them.
Thanks again for all that you do for His Kingdom!