Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
The new Democratic Party: Transgender “woman” (really a man) wins Vermont nomination for Governor race.
Omarosa’s Trump N-Word claim starting to unravel.
Op-ed about how the media is lowering their standards to that of tabloids by the anti-Trump people they are elevating.
ProPublica solicits dirt from readers on Brett Kavanaugh.
Most jobs created in Trump’s economy are in Democrat areas.
New Gallup Poll shows Democrats now favor socialism over capitalism.
Income inequality is widest in Blue Democrat states.
Guest Interview: Pastor DeShawn Wilkins to discuss his race for the State Senate.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
Op-ed exposes the negatives in Britain’s socialized medicine.
Op-ed exposes the negatives in Canada’s socialized medicine.
Guest Interview: Dr. James Robbins to discuss his book “Erasing America: Losing Our Future by Destroying Our Past”.
Guest Interview: Professor of Historical Theology Dr. Ryan M. Reeves to discuss his book “Know How We Got Our Bible”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I shared an article I wrote called “Mixing Religion & Politics: Why I am Politically Conservative” and addressed the claims some make that Christians supporting the GOP is a waste of time because we “still have abortion, gay marriage, etc.”.
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