Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
I explained why I believe President Trump should not allow himself to be interviewed by Robert Mueller and why he would just be set up with a perjury trap.
Newt Gingrich op-ed detailing just how abusive and partisan Mueller’s investigation has been.
Great op-ed about Trump and the black vote.
Democrat Congressman makes joke about Trump’s death, media ignore.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
Vermont’s Transgendered Governor Nominee has history of slamming and mocking Christians.
Op-ed refuting Chelsea Clinton’s claim that Roe v Wade has “added $3.5 Trillion to our economy”.
Guest Interview: We had Scott Goodwin and Jim Scieszka in studio to take caller questions about any legal issues.
Guest Interview: Mark H. Maxwell, author of “Networking Kills” to discuss why he believes it’s wrong for Christians to network as a means of making connections to further their careers.
Open Line Topic: We discussed the Trump Administration ordering the deporting of a 95 year old U.S. citizen in a wheelchair because it was discovered that he was a Nazi concentration camp guard at the infamous Treblinka death camp.
I am trying to find the name of a book that Bob talked about in his show at 8pm on 8-21-18. It was a book about the history of the bible being translated into English. Thanks!