Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Omarosa makes explosive allegations against Trump.
Op-ed explaining the media’s promotion of white supremacists.
Thanks to dishonest media, poll shows most Americans are unaware that Paul Manafort trial is not about “Russia Collusion”.
Op-ed: 5 reasons the feared Democrat Blue Wave is real.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
I discussed an ancient effort to write the Qu’ran over top of some Biblical scriptures.
I debunked an article attempting to claim that the size of the Earth somehow “proves” there’s no God.
I gave more Creation science evidence, today discussing ice cores.
Guest Interview: Taylor Field to discuss his book “The Wayward Way: The Power in Wilderness Journeys”.
Guest Interview: Kenneth Boa to discuss his book “Life in the Presence of God”.
Guest Interview: Priests for Life National Director Father Frank Pavone to discuss the current state of today’s abortion debate.
Guest Interview: Jack Alexander to discuss his book “The God Impulse: