Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Twitter busted banning a conservative repeating racist tweets word for word that WERE allowed against “white people”.
Washington D.C. Newseum pulls “Fake News” shirts from shelves after mainstream media complain.
Dan Gainor op-ed laying out the hysteria of the media against Trump.
Most jobs created in Trump’s economy are in Democrat areas.
Federal Judge orders Trump to re-instate Obama’s DACA Executive Order.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
Milwaukee police officer killed was a Christian who often witnessed to people he arrested.
University Report: 61% of African American deaths come from abortion.
Guest Interview: Professor of Christian Theology Dr. Stephen Wellum to discuss his book “Christ From Beginning to End”.
Guest Interview: Pastor Gil Mertz to discuss his book “Forgive Your Way To Freedom”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed and debated Pope Francis declaring the death penalty is never acceptable.