Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Lebron James says Trump is using sports to divide the country.
Study: Democrats “Medicare for All” plan would cost $30+ Trillion.
Trump threatens to shut down government over border wall funding.
John Nolte Op-ed about New York Times Publisher’s absurd criticism of Trump.
Guest Interview: Lena Epstein, U.S. Congressional Candidate.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
Clarion Project op-ed about the radical ties of Michigan Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Abdul El-Sayed.
Guest Interview: Dr. Tami Peterson, Director of the Oxford Recovery Center to discuss their new Grand Opening.
Guest Interview: Melissa Cain Travis, Professor of Apologetics to discuss her latest book “Science and the Mind of the Maker”.
Guest Interview: Dr. Gregory Jantz to discuss his latest book “Healing the Scars of Addiction”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I examined and refuted an article claiming the “Religious Right is selling it’s soul” by supporting President Trump.