Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Trump says he’ll allow a government shutdown over border wall funding.
Trump rips media for their constant negative coverage.
Cable and Network news devote 16 times more coverage to Michael Cohen tapes than North Korea releasing bodies of U.S. war dead.
Counselors dealing with increases in “Trump Anxiety Disorder”.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
Prominent black Pastor slams NAACP for supporting Planned Parenthood.
Canadian man changes gender for cheaper car insurance.
Guest Interview: Pastor David Randall to discuss his book “Why We Still Believe: Standing Firm on Biblical Christianity”.
Guest Interview: Pastor Jamie Rasmussen to discuss his book “How Joyful People Think”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I continued my series on my Personal Testimony, discussing today some of the early doubts I had and how I got into researching apologetics.
Guest Interview: Michigan Senator and Gubernatorial Candidate Patrick Colbeck to discuss the election.