Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
I discussed President Trump’s meeting with Vladimir Putin.
Trump meets with Putin privately for 2 hours.
Examples of how tough Trump has actually been on Russia.
DOJ indicts 12 Russians for election hacking.
Can Trump really “demand” Putin extradite indicted Russians?
Trump calls EU a “foe”.
Rob “Meathead” Reiner says it’s “crystal clear” Trump campaign colluded with Russians.
DOJ indictment of 12 Russians makes clear there are no allegations of any “collusion” from Trump Campaign.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
New scientific discovery points to Biblical Creation, not Evolution.
Guest Interview: Jeff Morton, Director of the Pain Free Life Centers, to discuss High Dose Lasers and how they naturally get people out of pain without drugs.
Guest Interview: Pastor Ken Wytsma, author of “Redeeming How We Talk” to discuss how Christians can become more effective communicators.
Guest Interview: Former evolutionary scientist turned Creation scientist to take calls about science and the Bible.