Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
I continued to explore and examine all the controversy surrounding the Trump Administration’s “zero tolerance” illegal immigration policy that is being accused of separating families. I also explained the rest of the story that the mainstream media conveniently leaves out of their anti-Trump reporting.
Rachel Maddow cries while trying to report of migrant children.
Government data confirming Obama prosecuted nearly half a million illegal immigrants.
Images of Obama’s immigrant child detention centers the media refuses to report or show.
ABC, NBC, CBS News devote a staggering 176 minutes to children separated from parents issue….in just 6 days.
Op-ed explaining why the separating of families is actually the morally responsible thing to do.
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins’ op-ed defending Trump’s immigration policy and the “separating children” claims.
Op-ed about an overlooked bombshell in the I.G. Report.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
Actor Chris Pratt tells MTV Audience about God, prayer and Grace.
Guest Interview: Cecil Murphy, author of “More Than Surviving” to discuss his own childhood sexual abuse.
Guest Interview: Dr. Ed Silvoso, author of “Ekklesia: Rediscovering God’s Instrument For Global Transformation”.
Open Line Topic: We took calls on what the solution should be for the immigrant “family separation” issue.