Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
SCOTUS upholds President Trump’s travel ban.,-rejects-discrimination-claim
SCOTUS rules in favor of Pro-Life Crisis Pregnancy Centers that were being forced to advertize abortion clinics.
New: Sarah Sanders was heckled and yelled at after she left that restaurant she was kicked out of. Hired-hen-owner-even-after-leaving-mike-huckabee-says.html
Sarah Huckabee Sanders addresses getting kicked out of restaurant at White House Press briefing.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
Former Satanist turned Evangelist says the prayer of Christians used to hamper his Satanist efforts.
I also shared some of my personal testimony about my involvement in ESP as a teenager.
Guest Interview: Board Certified Psychiatrist Dr. Timothy R. Jennings to discuss his book “The Aging Brain: Proven Steps to Prevent Dementia and Sharpen Your Mind”.
Guest Interview: Dr. Scot McKnight to discuss his book “The Blue Parakeet: Rethinking How You Read the Bible” (2nd Edition)
Open Line Topic: I invited callers to comment on either of the 2 large Supreme Court decisions handed down today.