Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
I examined and analyzed all aspects of the Summit between President Trump and Kim Jong-un.
North Korea agrees to complete and total denuclearization.
Joint Statement signed by President Trump and Kim Jong-un.
Guest Interview: U.S. Congressional candidate Lt. Col. Andrew “Rocky” Raczkowski to give analysis on the Trump/Kim Summit.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
I addressed the human rights abuses of the North Korea.
Guest Interview: Ginger Hubbard, author of “I Can’t Believe You Just Said That!: Biblical Wisdom for Taming Your Child’s Tongue”.
Guest Interview: Michigan Gubernatorial candidate Senator Patrick Colbeck to discuss his book about the political swamp, called “Wrestling Gators”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed President Trump’s successful Summit with Kim Jong Un and took calls from listeners about it.