Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
I examined all the various aspects of James Comey’s ABC interview from George Stephanopoulos, including a long list of questions Comey SHOULD have been asked…..but of course wasn’t.
Trump, Allies praise Syrian strikes, Russia condemns.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Absurd op-ed describing Chick Fil-A’s expanding in New York City as a “creepy infiltration”.
I discussed the migration patterns of animals and their geographic population densities, like kangaroos being mostly in Australia, to show how this actually helps prove Biblical Creation and the account of Noah’s Ark.
Guest Interview: Creation Scientist and Biologist Dr. Gordon Wilson to discuss his Documentary hitting theaters April 19th called “The Riot and the Dance”.
Guest Interview: Best Selling author John Mason to discuss his latest book “Seize Today: How Asking the Right Questions Will Change Your Life”.
Open Line Topic: With Friday having been “Friday the 13th”, we discussed a Christian response to “Good luck”, “Bad luck”, and various superstitions.