Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 03 – 21 – 18

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

More information comes out about the Austin, Texas bomber who blew himself up.

Op-ed explaining why McCabe had to be fired.

Trump dismisses McCabe’s claim to have kept notes of meetings.

House Intelligence Committee concludes investigation without finding any evidence of Trump/Russia “collusion”.

Trump’s lawyer calls for Mueller Probe to be closed.

Trump Tweets that Mueller Investigation based on fraud.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..

SCOTUS to hear case where California is forcing pro-life centers to advertise for abortion clinics.

Republican Mississippi Governor signs Bill banning abortions after 15 weeks.

I responded to a new study from Evolutionary scientists about the flight capabilities if the Archaeopteryx fossil that actually supports the Creation Scientists arguments that this fossil was nothing more than a unique type of bird, NOT some evolutionary “transition”.

Guest Interview: Dr. Jack Deere, author of “Even in Our Darkness” to discuss his walking through a tough life of his father and son’s suicides and much more.

Guest Interview: Pastor Craig Glass, author of “Noble Journey” to discuss the various negative cultural stereotypes of men and how Christian men can rise above these stereotypes.

Other Issues Discussed….

I examined, dissected and ripped apart a “scientific study” that claims a link between being a committed Christian conservative and brain damage.

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