Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
California Governor Jerry Brown calls Jeff Sessions suing over Sanctuary State status a “war” and a “reign of terror”.
Oakland Mayor hits back at Jeff Sessions.
Study shows illegal immigrants commit crimes at double the rate of natural born citizens.
Experts say Trump’s hard line stance against North Korea is what brought Kim Jong-Un to the negotiating table.
Clueless hosts of “The View” asks Chelsea Clinton about Ivanka refusing to answer questions about her dad’s female accusers….but don’t ask her about HER dad.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
New Ontario Canada Law says potential prison for attempting to talk a woman out of an abortion near an abortion clinic.
Networks refuse to report on century old war memorial cross ordered taken down.
Guest Interview: Professor of Theology Dr. R.W.L. Moberly, author of “The Bible in a Disenchanted Age” to discuss why the Bible is more than just a collection of books.
Guest Interview: Former Evolutionary Scientist turned Creation Scientist Dr. Grady McMurtry to discuss the evidence for Biblical Creation and to take calls about anything having to do with science and the Bible.