Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Video: President Trump’s remarks at Billy Graham Memorial Service.
During White House bi-partisan meeting on guns, Trump goes soft and agrees to Democrat gun-control measures.
A.G. Jeff Sessions pushes back at Trump’s criticism of him.
White House: Trump has had fewest nominees confirmed by Senate than the four previous administrations.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
I discussed V.P. Mike Pence’s comments that he believes abortion will become illegal in our lifetimes.
Guest Interview: Elizabeth Oates, author of “Mending Broken Branches: When God Reclaims Your Dysfunctional Family Tree”.
Guest Interview: CBN Chief Political Correspondent David Brody to discuss his book “The Faith of Donald J. Trump: A Spiritual Biography”.
Open Line Topic: With President Trump holding a bi-partisan gun debate meeting yesterday, we discussed what the proper Christian perspective should be regarding guns, gun control and gun policies in America.
Hey Bob what do you think about the uranium 1 deal now since Russia announcing a new nuclear weapon that we can’t defend ourselves against