Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Trump announces 2020 re-election plans.
Trump Organization donates foreign profits to U.S.
NRA fights back at unfair demonizing after Florida school shooting.
Georgia fights back, threatens to cancel Delta Airline’s tax breaks unless they re-instate their relationship with NRA.
Ivanka Trump calls out NBC for “inappropriate” question about her father’s female accusers.
Trump announces $260 million in Family Planning Grants for programs that do NOT perform abortions.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
I gave some more evidence for Biblical Creation, focusing on evidence from NASA showing the planets in our Solar System look exactly like they should if they were only a few thousand years old.
Guest Interview: Joy Beth Smith, author of “Party of One” to discuss Christian life as a single.
Guest Interview: Christian Psychiatrist Dr. Steven Grcevich, author of “Mental Health and the Church” to discuss mental health issues, awareness and how we as Christians should address it.
Other Issues Discussed….
UC Berkeley student newspaper censored an op-ed written by the V.P. Of College Republicans on immigration policy.
I discussed the Apocrypha, the extra books in the Catholic Bible, and why they should not be considered God inspired Scripture.