Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Trump endorses never-Trumper Romney run for Senate, even though Romney used to viciously smear Trump.
Columbine school shooting survivor, now Colorado State Legislator indroduces Bill to allow Conceal Carry for teachers.
15 year old student shot 5 times saving 20 students as human shield survives.
Trump considering attending 2018 White House Correspondents Dinner.
New York Times: Trump’s tax cuts now gaining in popularity. (ya think?)
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Is the explosion of transgendered people happening because society is now allowing them to come out of the closet?….or is our culture creating the transgender movement by promoting and encouraging it?
I responded to a news story claiming a 3.6 million year old “human” skeleton was found.
Guest Interview: John Langer, author of “Yes, God Does Miracles: Remarkable Stories of God’s Power”.
Guest Interview: Bible Scholar Dr. David A. DeSilva, author of “Introducing the Apocrypha: Message, Context and Significance”.
Open Line Topic: We took calls from listeners who have experienced unambiguous miracles from God.