Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Op-ed from Republican FCC Chairman Ajit Pai explaining why ending the Obama-Era “Net Neutrality” Internet rules is the right thing to do.
What the new House/Senate compromised tax Bill changes look like.
GOP leaders asking Alabama’s Doug Jones to vote Republican.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
I continued my series on Apologetics, responding to common false claims from skeptics regarding the Bible, today addressing the claim that the early Church had “countless” Gospels, but just cherry picked our 4 Gospels and burned all the rest.
New Poll shows more Americans are seeing Christmas as a non-religious holiday.
Guest Interview: Kevin Reddick, author of “The Lazarus Connection” to discuss how to break free from various sins and addictions we have been mired in for too long.
Guest Interview: Bible Scholar Dr. E. Randolph Richards, author of “Rediscovering Paul: An Introduction to His World, Letters and Theology”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed Christmas shopping for non-believers and whether we should buy them “Christian” type gifts or not.