Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 12 – 18 – 17

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Here’s what’s in the final GOP tax Bill.

Op-ed explaining why the Mueller investigation is biased and corrupt.

Trump officials contend Mueller investigation “illegally” obtained thousands of transition team e-mails.

New York Times “never-Trump” columnist writes op-ed admitting Trump deserves credit for his foreign policy and handling of ISIS.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..

Religion News Association votes President Trump #1 Religion News Story for 2017.

U.K. bans advertisements that depict women as traditional mothers.

Pew Research Survey on Christmas beliefs.

Guest Interview: Dr. Krish Kandiah, author of “God is Stranger” to discuss the parts of the Bible where God seems harsh or “strange”.

Guest Interview: Judy Glenney, International female weightlifting champion and author of “Mom, I’m a Girl” to discuss her son who believed he was a girl and ultimately committed suicide.

Other Issues Discussed….

I discussed the Pagan origins of various Christmas traditions and examined Scripture to show that there is nothing Biblically wrong with Christians celebrating Christmas.

2 thoughts on “Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 12 – 18 – 17

  1. medicamentos

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