Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Trump fights back against liberal Democrat Congresswoman’s claim he was insensitive to a soldier’s widow.
I examined and analyzed many aspects of the claims President Trump was insensitive to a soldier’s widow by looking at context, tonality, etc.
NFL decides not to penalize players who continue to kneel during the national anthem.
Ann Arbor City Council members take a knee during Pledge of Allegiance.
U.S. District Judge blocks Trump’s latest travel ban too.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Jack Schwartz of Home Loan Specialists to discuss mortgage services.
Guest Interview: Natasha Crain, author of Talking With Your kids About God: 30 Conversations Every Christian Parent Must Have”.
Guest Interview: Emmanuel Ogunjumo, Cryptocurrency expert to discuss the Christian version of “Bitcoin” called Christ-Coin.
Other Issues Discussed….
NYT actually suggests Trump allowing employers to opt out of paying for employees contraception is comparable to how Saudi Arabia treats women.
New California Law adds a third gender to Driver’s Licenses.
Incredible stories of Jesus appearing to Muslims who have died.
What was the title of the book on leadership fatigue????
Looking for the book on living together from an interview that was part of the Best of Bob. I heard it in the evening replay 10-23-17 on WMUZ in Detroit.