Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
NAACP says Cowboy owner is violating players “Constitutional rights” with policy to stand during Anthem.
Hillary FINALLY condemns her mega-donor Harvey Weinstein…..but keeps his donations.
Weinstein financial connections to Clintons, Obamas run deep.
James O’Keefe busts New York Times admitting to liberal bias.
Who’d have thought? Trump is (so far) the most pro-life president in history.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Wow. The Washington Post actually “fact-checks” Trump’s claim that U.S. is one in only 7 nations that allow abortion past 20 weeks, and are forced to admit it’s “True”.
Gallup Poll says most oppose government pushing “traditional values”.
Guest Interview: Dr. Danny Faulkner, Ph.D. Astrophysicist and Young Earth Creation Scientist to discuss his latest book “The Expanse of Heaven: Where Creation and Astronomy Intersect”.
Guest Interview: Pastor Todd Wagner, author of “Come and See” to discuss the Church and how we can make church more effective in our walks with the Lord.
Other Issues Discussed….
I continued my refutation of a viral online claim of “several” Bible verses that supposedly support same sex relationships, today examining whether the “Eunuch” described by Jesus was referencing homosexuals.