Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
I discussed Trump’s U.N. speech.
CNN report that Trump’s Campaign Manager Manafort was indeed wiretapped seems to vindicate Trump “wiretap” claims.
Remember when James Comey tried to deny Trump’s wiretapping claim?
Breitbart op-ed calling out the MSM for mocking Trump’s “wiretap” claim.
People on Food Stamps has decreased every month since Trump took office.
Hillary says she would not rule out challenging the legitimacy of the 2016 election.
Did ABC’s “The View” fire their one token conservative for asking Hillary a tough question during her appearance on the show?
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
I discussed how the various Ethnic groups around the world formed from the Tower of Babel and supports the Biblical accounts of Noah’s Flood.
Guest Interview: Pastor David Stokes, author of “When Good Samaritans Get Mugged” to discuss Christians being hurt within the Church.
Guest Interview: Pastor Horace E. Allen, author of “The World to Love and Not to Love” to discuss how Christians can learn to be “in” the world but not “of” it.
Open Line Topic: We were joined by Scott Goodwin and Jim Scieszka to answer listener questions about any legal issues they have.
Any way possible to get the info you spoke on 9/19/17 radio show concerning the line-up of stars, moon, sun etc. that is suppose to take place 9/23/17. It was really helpful and I believe all churches need to hear this. So many act like it’s the end of the world but you made it clear and explained that this has been occurring in times past.
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