Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 09 – 12 – 17

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

I discussed the latest on Hurricane Irma and the damage it caused.

Military mobilizing massive response to Hurricane Irma.

Pope Francis questions whether Donald Trump is really pro-life.

SCOTUS temporarily reinstates Trump’s travel ban while waiting to hear case.

In Jane Pauley interview, Hillary blames James Comey, Russia, Wikileaks, Facebook, fake news, voter ID laws, or America’s “endemic” sexism and misogyny for her losing.

Hillary cites debunked study to explain why she lost Wisconsin.

Miss America contestants asked questions hoping to make Trump look bad.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..

White House leaker sends Obama inauguration day transition letter to Trump to CNN.

Many Christian groups now legally supporting Colorado Christian baker Jack Phillips who refused to design a gay wedding cake.

Guest Interview: Dr. Richard Land, President of Southern Evangelical Seminary to discuss the ethics of genetic engineering and human-like robotics technology.

Guest Interview: Systematic Theologian Dr. Fred Sanders, author of “The Triune God” to discuss how to properly understand the Trinity.

Open Line Topic: We discussed the recent increase in witches, pagans and spell casters casting spells, hexes and curses on President Trump.

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