Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
I reported on the latest regarding Hurricane Maria.
Emmy Awards a big liberal hate-fest against President Trump.
NY Times reporter calls Trump granting 11 year old boy’s wish to mow the White House lawn a bad signal on “child labor”.
Media/liberals having a meltdown over Trump re-tweeting joke video of him hitting Hillary with a golf ball.
Is President Trump changing his mind about leaving the Paris Accord?
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
With yesterday being Constitution Day, I discussed the Constitution and the Christian heritage of our nation.
Movie “Mother” graphically mocks the Bible and Christianity.
Guest Interview: Ph.D. Astrophysicist (and Young Earth Creationist) Dr. Jason Lisle to discuss his book “Keeping Faith in an Age of Reason: Refuting Alleged Bible Contradictions”.
Guest Interview: Jenny Cote, author of “The Voice, the Revolution and the Key” to discuss what our Founding Fathers were like as children and leading up to the Revolution.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I addressed (and refuted) the claim that September 23, 2017 will see the fulfillmet of Revelation 12:1-2 prophecy.
I closed the show with a tribute to Muslim turned Christian Apologist Nabeel Qureshi who died from Cancer at just 34.