Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
CNN attacks Trump’s attack on the media last night.
ESPN removes game commentator Robert Lee as football game announcer because his name might “offend” some people. (He’s Asian).
White House cancels Trump’s planned visit to Mexican border for security concerns.
Op-ed by Dinesh D’Souza about Democrats and white supremacists.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
I continued with more of my series on Grief.
Paypal restores account of Jihad Watch after backlash.
New scientific research study shows “Global Warming” is “natural” and Earth was warmer during Medieval Period.
Guest Interview: Theologian Dr. Randal Rauser to discuss his latest book “What’s So Confusing About Grace?”
Guest Interview: “Love and Respect” Best Selling author Dr. Emerson Eggerichs to discuss his latest book “Before You Hit Send: Preventing Headache and Heartache”.
Other Issues Discussed….
We had another installment of “Disagreement Day where listeners call in on anything they disagree with me on.
Please update daily summery thanks
Dado que no sólo hay causas orgánicas para la disfunción eréctil puede desempeñar un papel, o producirse también de cargas psíquicas y la comprensión de papeles del hombre, una terapia de pareja es útil a veces. Este neurotransmisor es el que relaja los vasos sanguíneos del cuerpo cavernoso, facilitando la entrada de sangre en el mismo. Comprar cialis españa
Los síntomas de esta alopecia cicatricial es un enrojecimiento y descamación, incluso llegando a sentir un leve dolor o ardor en la zona.
De los 64 participantes, 8 tenían trastornos depresivos comórbidos y 15 tenían trastornos de ansiedad. Jugos y batidos: Pueden realizarse de forma casera o comprarse los batidos, son todos de origen natural.