Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
North Korea details it’s plans to fire missiles near Guam.
Democrats attack President for his tough talk on North Korea.
Democrat U.S. Congressman Rep. Hank Johnson has been elected 5 times to Congress, even though he famously said Guam was too populated and might “tip over and capsize”.
Mitch McConnell says Trump has “excessive expectations” of Congress.
Study: Highest rise in conceal carry permits are black women.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
I examined a news story about some new “540 million year old” fossils of jellyfish found in the Death Valley desert…..that look the same as jellyfish today.
Guest Interview: Musician & composer Eddie Anders, author of “Waking Up Dead” to discuss his failed suicide attempt and trusting in the Lord.
Guest Interview: Michele Howe, author of “Preparing, Adjusting and Loving the Empty Nest”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I examined and challenged a pastor’s op-ed entitled “Actions of Many Christians Today Would Frighten Jesus” where he attacks Christians who support President Trump.
Ha habido muchos adelantos tanto en el diagnóstico como en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil. Cuando no hay una enfermedad crónica conocida, la muestra sanguínea de las hormonas de la tiroides, de la testosterona y de la prolactina es necesaria para determinar si hay un ambiente hormonal adecuado para la erección.
Los medicamentos orales (a veces llamados “píldoras de erección”) son el tratamiento más común para la DE y generalmente son efectivos. Otra razón más simple podría ser la distracción.
Pero si veo que hay muchas lecturas en cuanto a estos temas. Para corregir la DE producto de esto, es necesario acudir a un terapista.