Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
President Trump praises protesters in Boston.
Protesters in Detroit rally against Christopher Columbus statue.
Op-ed calls out Romney, McCain and Rubio for denying Antifa as also a violent hate group.
Comedy icon Jerry Lewis dies.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
We discussed today’s Solar Eclipse and evidence from the Earth, Moon and Sun that refutes Evolution and the “billions of years old” arguments.
Guest Interview: Bible Prophecy expert Jeff Kinley, author of “The End of America?: Bible Prophecy and a Country in Crisis”.
Guest Interview: Brian Patrick Eha, author of “How Money Got Free: Bitcoin and the Fight For the Future of Finance”.
Other Issues Discussed….
In light of today’s Solar Eclipse, I gave more scientific evidence from the Solar System and Universe that prove Biblical Creation and a recent 6000 year old creation.