Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
President Trump bans transgenders from serving in the military.
John McCain rips talk radio during courageous return to the Senate.
V.P. Pence casts 50/50 tie breaking vote to advance Obamacare repeal debate in Senate.
Trump continues to criticize Jeff Sessions.
News Hour Guest Interview: U.S. Army Reserves Lt. Colonel (Ret) Andrew “Rocky” Raczkowski to discuss President Trump’s ban on transgenders in the military.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
I discussed Benjamin Franklin, his faith and his call for prayer in Congress.
I also addressed how our Founding Fathers could have somehow accepted slave ownership.
Guest Interview: Pastor Jonathan Parnell, author of “Never Settle For Normal” to discuss how God didn’t create us to be “normal” like the world expects.
Guest Interview: Christian Apologist Bryan Osborne, co-author of “Quick Answers to Tough Questions” to discuss the toughest questions people ask relating to science, the Bible, Creation/Evolution and more.
Open Line Topic: We discussed President Trump banning transgenders from the military.