Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Remember how Democrats had no problem using Russian “dossier” with dirt on Trump from the Russian government to influence the election last year?
Op-ed explaining how Don Trump Jr. broke no laws whatsoever in meeting Russian lawyer.
Another Op-ed, this from a liberal Constitutional lawyer exonerating Don Jr.
House Freedom Caucus Chairman says next spending Bill must fund Trump’s border wall, or they government will shut down.
News Hour Guest Interview: Michael Chapman, Managing Editor for to discuss a new Bill introduced in Congress to help allow Baby Charlie Gard from the U.K. To come to America.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Former Evolutionary scientist turned Creation scientist and Bible Scholar Dr. Grady McMurtry to take calls about anything related to Creation/Evolution or science and the Bible.
Open Line Topic: We discussed the impromptu prayer meeting that took place yesterday in the Oval Office and the viral photo of Evangelical pastors laying hands on President Trump and praying with him.
Reference 7/12/17; Bob’s guest was talking about a ‘facts about Jesus’ quiz game but I did not catch the name or how to obtain it. Can you help? TY
No existe claro.
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