Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
North Korea missile test shows they could maybe reach the U.S.
CNN, media freak out over Trump’s WWE “body slam” video of CNN. CNN:
Network Morning News shows devote 52 times more airtime to Trump’s media slamming Tweet than to U.S. House passing Kate’s Law Bill.
Democrats pushing Bill to question Trump’s mental capacity to be President.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
I examined some evidence from the Grand Canyon that proves Biblical Creation and a worldwide flood.
Networks refuse to report case of dying baby Charlie Gard.
Op-ed on the U.K. ordering the death of baby Charlie Gard.
Guest Interview: Dr. William Edgar, Professor of Apologetics to discuss his book “Does Christianity Really Work?”
Guest interview: Dr. Ryan Anderson to discuss his book “Debating Religious Liberty and Discrimination”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed whether Trump’s occasional insult Tweets are truly “un-presidential” when they are no different than the insults Obama used to level as Republicans on late night shows, Comedy Central, various speeches, etc.