Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Did Democrats create a fake “scandal” between Trump’s team and a Russian lawyer last year?
Don Trump Jr. fights back after claim he was in “collusion” meeting with a Russian lawyer.
Full Statement from Don Trump Jr. on meeting with Russian lawyer.
Trump refuses to wear G-20 lapel pin at Summit (like all other world leaders), instead wears U.S. Flag pin.
At G-20 Summit, Trump sticks up for America, refuses to go along with the crowd.
Poland’s President calls out America’s “fake news” regarding story about Polish First Lady supposedly snubbing Trump’s handshake offer.
CNN with even MORE egg on their face after repeatedly reporting Trump “will not” ask Putin about election meddling.
Video: Trump picks up marine’s hat and puts it back on his head for him when wind blows it off.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Peer Reviewed Science Research Paper shows all “Global Warming” has come from thermometer “adjustments” upward.
Twitter allows Planned Parenthood propaganda, but bans pro-life propaganda.
U.K. Telegraph reports that 2 “men” have given birth. (except, they’re women)
Guest Interview: Phillip Campbell, author of “The Book of Non-Contradiction” to discuss and explain areas of Scripture that skeptics claim “contradict” themselves.
Guest Interview: Professor of Church History Dr. David Currie, author of “The Big Idea of Biblical Worship” to discuss why he says church service should really be more expository (Scripture quoting) throughout the whole service.
Guest Interview: Professor of Theology Dr. Amy Brown Hughes, author of “Christian Women in the Patristic World” to discuss women of influence in early Christianity.
Other Issues Discussed….
I did a “Listener FeedbacK segment where I read some selected e-mail from listeners and responded on-air.