Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
President Trump meets with Vladimir Putin.
In Poland speech, Trump talks family, faith and God.
Media called Trump an “isolationist”, but he’s now met with 50% more world leaders than Obama did by this time.
Poll shows most Americans think Trump did something wrong with Russia.
Neil Gorsuch proving to be a solid Scalia Conservative.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
I gave more Biblical and scientific evidence to prove there really was a worldwide flood, not just “local” or “regional”.
Guest Interview: Dr. Gregg Jantz, author of “40 Answers For Teens Top Questions”.
Movie Reviews: Rod Gustafson with to discuss what’s going on in the movies this weekend from a family friendly / Christian friendly perspective.
Sports Review: Anthony “Vito” Faletti and Brandon Woods of Sports Fan Radio to discuss the sports week from a family friendly / Christian friendly perspective.
Weekly Show Recap
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