Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Theater defiantly continues it’s “Trump assassination” play.
New York Times continues to sponsor “Trump assassination” play.
Most sponsors still willing to sponsor “Trump assassination” play.
Special Prosecutor hiring a bunch of Democrat donor lawyers to go after Trump.
Op-ed explains why Special Prosecutor Mueller should recuse himself.
Does Special Prosecutor Mueller have a conflict of interest?
Op-ed explaining conflict of interest with Mueller and Comey.
Is it smart for Jeff Sessions to testify?
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
I continued my Apologetics 101 series with some practical advice on how to start collecting research data and memorizing evidences for our faith.
Al Gore says God told him to fight Global Warming.
Guest Interview: Dr. Jeremy Kimble, author of “40 Questions About Church Membership and Discipline”.
Guest Interview: Pastor Kevin Thompson, author of “Friends, Partners and Lovers: What it Takes to Make Your Marriage Work”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I examined news stories about evolutionary discoveries of modern human footprints in “1.5 million” and “3.7 million” year old rock to show how this is actually evidence for Biblical Creation.