Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
After London Bridge attack, Trump calls for end to political correctness.
Bill Maher makes joke about being a “House N****r”.
Hillary embarrassing herself with constant whining and blaming people for her losing election. Now Democrats are telling her to stop it.
Nancy Pelosi says Trump pulling U.S. out of Paris Accord “dishonors God”.
CNN host Reza Aslan apologizes for calling President Trump “a piece of sh*t” and says “that’s not like me”……but he does that all the time.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
I continued my series on Cults by examining and explaining the various false doctrines of Mormonism.
Guest Interview: Dr. David Stoop, author of “You Are What You Think” to discuss how Christians can and should control the ways we think.
Other Issues Discussed….
I read and discussed a Facebook Post of mine responding to claims of conservative hypocrisy from the Left regarding Kathy Griffin versus Ted Nugent.
I also addressed in detail the criticism many have of Christians willing to support President Trump by throwing in our faces all the ugly crude comments from his past.
Michigan farmer barred from Farmer’s Market for opposing gay marriage getting national attention.