Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
U.K. Upset because U.S. leaker leaked British Intelligence secrets shared with the U.S.
Trump gets NATO to take more responsibility regarding paying their fair share.
Even Harvard University study confirms the media’s overwhelming bias against Trump.
Obama gives speech in Germany trashing and criticizing Trump’s policies, undermining his efforts……WHILE President Trump is right next door in Belgium trying to negotiate with NATO and European leaders.
Trump’s Presidential Middle East diplomacy easing “anxiety” about him.
CBO Report of AHCA claims 23 million more will be without health insurance.
HHS Report confirms average U.S. healthcare premiums more than doubled since just 2013.
News Hour Guest Interview: Craig Bannister with to discuss President Trump’s new budget again calling for completely defunding Planned Parenthood.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
I continued my series on Cults, discussing the false doctrines of Jehovah’s Witness and how we can try to comprehend and understand the Trinity (which Jehovah Witnesses deny)
Guest Interview: Bill High, CEO of the National Christian Foundation Heartland and co-author of “Giving it All Away…And Getting it All Back Again” to discuss how to live a more generous life.
Guest Interview: Erica Young Reitz, author of “After College: Navigating Transitions, Relationships and Faith” to discuss how colleges leave students unprepared for the real world.
Other Issues Discussed….
Creation scientist with a Ph.D. In Geology denied right to sample Grand Canyon geological samples the same way evolutionists are allowed to do.
High School students legally fight back after being denied the right to form a pro-life club.
California Professor bans college Republicans from even attending a Women’s History Forum because it would violate the “Safe Space” by them even being in the room.
I reminded listeners of how to understand and explain the so-called “God Particle” or “Higgs-Boson” Field that was discovered in 2013.
Sin embargo, es necesario hablar de esta patología para desmitificarla ya que, además, suele tener solución. ¿Qué es la disfunción eréctil? La disfunción eréctil es la incapacidad persistente de conseguir y mantener una erección suficiente para permitir unas relaciones sexuales satisfactorias.
Constriñe los vasos sanguíneos por lo que resulta difícil que los fluidos lleguen al pene de la forma en que debiera. La presión arterial alta si no es tratada a tiempo puede conducir a la disfunción eréctil.
El desánimo, la tristeza, la pérdida de la autoestima, la fatiga general, los hábitos de sueño alterados son signos bien conocidos de depresión. La eyaculación prematura es la incapacidad de mantener la erección el tiempo suficiente para conseguir la satisfacción mutua.
Aunque ocurre varias veces durante el sueño, es difícil saber cuándo ocurrirá justo en el momento que nos despertamos. Saber cómo funciona la erección es importante para entender la impotencia sexual y cómo funcionan los actuales tratamientos, como la famosa Viagra. Comprar cialis online chile