Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
I laid out in simplified detail what was actually discovered in yesterday’s Congressional testimony from Sally Yates and James Clapper……compared to the media’s trumped up claims (pun intended)
Obama’s Justice Dept head Yates testifies before Congress.
Trump nominates 10 conservatives to be federal judges.
Will the Senate re-fund Planned Parenthood in Obamacare repeal?
News Hour Guest Interview: Craig Bannister with Media Research Center to discuss the Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber actually blaming Trump for Obamacare’s higher premiums and lower choices.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
I continued my series on Cults, dealing with the Jehovah’s Witness denial of the Trinity, giving Biblical evidence to refute their claim that the Holy Spirit is not also God.
Guest Interview: Best Selling author Israel Wayne to discuss his book “Education: Does God Have and Opinion?”
Other Issues Discussed…..
Tennessee School district shuts down voluntary, (before school hours) Bible Club.
Guest Interview: Pastor David Chadwick, author of “From Superficial to Significant: What it Means to Become Great in God’s Eyes”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed examples of people who had massive personality overhauls when getting saved.