Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
I discussed the French election and why the media insists on referring to the liberal Emmanuel Macron as a “centrist” and the conservative Marine Le Pen as a “far right extremist”.
Liberal audience laughs as Bill Maher makes x-rated joke about Ivanka Trump performing a sex act on her father.
Some conservatives disappointed with Trump’s “Religious Liberty” Executive Order.
Well, that didn’t take long. Atheist group sues Trump over Religious Liberty Executive Order.
Trump’s pick for Secretary of the Army withdraws after smear and hate campaign against him.
Mark Green’s comments of Evolution versus Creation.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
I discussed Dr. Mark Green, President Trump’s selection for Secretary of the Army, who has withdrawn his nomination due to the smear campaign against him. He is an M.D. Surgeon and born-again, evangelical Christian who supports Biblical Creation and rejects Evolution. He cited how the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics and Irreducible Complexity refute Evolution and so I explained these 2 scientific principles in simple layman’s terms.
Guest Interview: Jeff Kinley, author of “The Coming Apostasy” to discuss how Christians are falling away from true Biblical Christianity.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I picked apart the claims of Dr. Willie Parker, a “Christian” abortion doctor who claims he does abortions as his “calling” from God, following the teachings of Jesus and wrote the book “Life’s Work: A Moral Argument for Choice”. (He has refused my invitation to debate me on the show)
Guest Interview: Samuel Orlando Polanco, former Compassion International sponsored child to discuss his transformation to now working for the Headquarters for Compassion International in Colorado.
Guest Interview: Penny Young Nance, President and CEO of Concerned Woman for America, author of the book “Feisty & Feminine”.