Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Will GOP fund Planned Parenthood but not the border wall?
Judge blocks Trump’s crackdown on Sanctuary Cities.
Ted Cruz calls for $14 billion seized from “El Chapo” to pay for border wall.
Judge who blocked Trump’s Sanctuary City defunding order fundraised $200,000 for Obama.
News Hour Guest Interview: Terry Jeffrey, Editor-in-Chief for to discuss the GOP planning to fund Planned Parenthood.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
I continued my series on Cults by discussing false teachings within Jehovah’s Witness.
Guest Interview: Robert O’Neill, the former Seal Team 6 soldier that shot and killed Osama Bin Laden to discuss his book “The Operator”.
Guest Interview: Dr. J. Paul Nyquist, author of “Is Justice Possible? The Elusive Pursuit of What is Right”.
Other Issues Discussed……
I discussed and explained how ethnic groups or different “races” developed after the Tower of Babel.