Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
President Trump’s Easter message.
Liberals again cause violence at Trump rally.
“Tax Day Marches” demand Trump release his tax returns.
Trump defends his refusal to label China “currency manipulator”.
Rumors that swing vote Justice Anthony Kennedy may retire.
Conservative suspended from Facebook for criticizing new Dove soap commercial with a transgendered “mom” (a man).
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
I discussed Christian Apologist Hank Hanegraaff converting to Greek Orthodox including an examination of various Greek Orthodox Doctrines, beliefs and differences with Evangelical Christianity.
Guest Interview: Pastor Brandon Clements, author of “The Simplest Way to Change the World” to discuss how to practice Biblical Hospitality.
Guest Interview: Daniel Ryan Day, author of “Intentional Christian” to discuss how to determine what God wants you to do as a career.
Other Issues Discussed…..
Op-ed about why Christians invite people to church.
With Gorsuch now on board, SCOTUS to hear key religious rights case.
I picked apart a “feel good” CNN op-ed about Christian women who have had abortions needing to feel free to discuss their abortions openly…..but with the undercurrent of abortion being acceptable.
I explored why it is that some well respected Christian leaders and Apologists believe in an “Old Earth” of “billions of years”.