Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Congresswoman Maxine Waters calls President Trump’s Cabinet a “bunch of scumbags”.
Trump condemns anti-semitism while touring African American Museum.
Hollywood actor Judd Apatow says Trump getting elected was, for him, “like getting raped”.
Trump reverses Obama’s Transgender policies.
News Hour Guest Interview: Clemson University Professor of Government Dr. Charles Dunn to discuss Senator John McCain’s attacks of Donald Trump.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
With the new movie coming out called “Is Genesis History?”, I gave some scientific evidence from Geology to prove there was a worldwide flood.
Guest Interview: Podiatrist Dr. Thomas Hosey to discuss natural remedies for foot pain.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I discussed the geological evidence from the Grand Canyon showing it was carved rapidly from a massive flood and not slowly from the Colorado river.
Guest Interview: Todd Friel to discuss his book “Reset For Parents: How to Keep Your Kids From Backsliding”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed the so called “flat Earth” movement and why this crazy belief seems to be gaining traction.
Disfunción Eréctil Secundaria: Consideramos disfunción eréctil secundaria cuando el hombre tuvo orgasmos en el pasado pero es incapaz de obtenerlos actualmente. Por otro lado, el funcionamiento hormonal durante el estrés también juega un importante papel.
Tener pocas horas de sueño puede traer como consecuencia estrés y ansiedad. Llevamos varios días haciendo algo que nos está haciendo tener sensaciones extrañas, conociendo mas nuestros límites sexuales y porque no decirlo, que nos produce incomodidad en los genitales.
Este é o padrão tipicamente feminino, mas é claro que existem variações.