Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Republicans shut down Senator Elizabeth Warren for violating Senate rules in her smears of Jeff Sessions.
Trump mounting public defense of his travel ban.
Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals questions Trump attorneys on Immigration ban.
News Hour Guest Interview: Karen Braun with “Stop Common Core in Michigan” to discuss why they do not trust new Education Secretary Betsy Devos to truly end “Common Core”.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Pastor Chris Band, author of “On My Knees: Rebuilding Our Confidence in Prayer”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
CBS Poll: 2/3rds of Democrats think Islam no more violent than Christianity.
Google Dictionary defines “Fascism” as “Right Wing”.
Guest Interview: 40 year veteran Alaskan Commercial Fisherwoman Leslie Leyland Fields to discuss her book “Crossing the Waters: Following Jesus Through the Storms, the Fish, the Doubts and the Seas”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed a full page ad taken out from 100 Evangelical leaders denouncing President Trump’s temporary refugee ban from 7 ISIS affected nations….and why I support the ban. Is the ban un-Christian? That’s what we debated.