Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
I analyzed, in detail, President Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee, Judge Neil Gorsuch.
5 Faith Facts on Neil Gorsuch.
5 abortion facts about Neil Gorsuch.
Remember, there was no outrage over Obama’s Executive Order banning Cuban refugees and visitors, leaving them also stranded at airports.
Warning: Profanity Alert: Video of Black Lives Matter protest speaker saying “F*** the White House, we need to start killing people, the White House must die”, etc.
Whoopi Goldberg says Trump’s policies no different than the Taliban’s.
News Hour Guest Interview: Clemson University Professor of Government Dr. Charles Dunn to discuss Neil Gorsuch.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Erin Straza, author of “Comfort Detox” to discuss how Christians sometimes get obsessed with their “comfort”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I read aloud several listener comments to me from the WMUZ website “Bob Dutko” page.
Guest Interview: Nathan Tabor, author of the article “To Go or Not To Go……to Church?” to discuss why Christians sometimes choose not to attend church.
Open Line Topic: We discussed President Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch and what listeners think of him.
El especialista determinará si se trata de un problema de impotencia o se trata de un factor psicológico. El especialista determinará si se trata de un problema de impotencia o se trata de un factor psicológico.
La erección del miembro reproductor masculino es provocada por un serie de interacciones donde interviene el sistema vascular, neurológico e incluso el psicológico. La pérdida de deseo sexual, o libido, es otra causa de disfunción sexual.
La salud sexual es actualmente un importante factor en la calidad de vida de las personas. La depresión es otra causa de la impotencia psicogénica.