Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 02 – 01 – 17

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

I analyzed, in detail, President Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee, Judge Neil Gorsuch.

5 Faith Facts on Neil Gorsuch.

5 abortion facts about Neil Gorsuch.

Remember, there was no outrage over Obama’s Executive Order banning Cuban refugees and visitors, leaving them also stranded at airports.

Warning: Profanity Alert: Video of Black Lives Matter protest speaker saying “F*** the White House, we need to start killing people, the White House must die”, etc.

Whoopi Goldberg says Trump’s policies no different than the Taliban’s.

News Hour Guest Interview: Clemson University Professor of Government Dr. Charles Dunn to discuss Neil Gorsuch.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..

Guest Interview: Erin Straza, author of “Comfort Detox” to discuss how Christians sometimes get obsessed with their “comfort”.

Other Issues Discussed…..

I read aloud several listener comments to me from the WMUZ website “Bob Dutko” page.

Guest Interview: Nathan Tabor, author of the article “To Go or Not To Go……to Church?” to discuss why Christians sometimes choose not to attend church.

Open Line Topic: We discussed President Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch and what listeners think of him.

3 thoughts on “Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 02 – 01 – 17

  1. sintomas

    El especialista determinará si se trata de un problema de impotencia o se trata de un factor psicológico. El especialista determinará si se trata de un problema de impotencia o se trata de un factor psicológico.

  2. medicamentos

    La erección del miembro reproductor masculino es provocada por un serie de interacciones donde interviene el sistema vascular, neurológico e incluso el psicológico. La pérdida de deseo sexual, o libido, es otra causa de disfunción sexual.

  3. tratamiento medico

    La salud sexual es actualmente un importante factor en la calidad de vida de las personas. La depresión es otra causa de la impotencia psicogénica.

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