Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Ted Cruz totally owns liberal website Deadspin by using humor to combat their hatred.
Trump orders “major investigation” of potential voter fraud.
Trump SCOTUS pick down to 3 finalists.
John Lott op-ed about liberal law professors opposing Jeff Sessions as Attorney General.
House Republicans pass Bill banning taxpayer money for abortions.
Hillary supporting Senior Secret Service Agent suggests she wouldn’t “take a bullet” for Trump.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Pastor Chuck Bomar, author of “Serving Local Schools” to discuss how Christians can be better engaged with their local schools.
Guest Interview: Mark Lamphier and Jack Owens of Main Street realty to discuss how to be smart in home selling this Spring.
Guest Interview: Pastor Matthew Webster, author of “Saturated With the Savior” to discuss how to better equip Christians for ministry.
Other Issues Discussed…..
With the Roe v Wade anniversary this Sunday, I continued my series on answering the most common false claims given to support abortion.
Al igual que cualquier comportamiento que se aprende, éste se puede modificar. Ahora que sabemos algunas de las causas de esta enfermedad, es necesario conocer algunos remedios que pueden ayudarte a mejorar esta condición y gozar de una vida sexual sana.