Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Obama commutes 35 year sentence of military classified secrets leaker, transgender Chelsea Manning.
Report: Trump was going to offer Ted Cruz the Supreme Court.
Trump’s Cabinet picks gets high praise from……Ted Cruz.
Celebrities coming to Washington for anti-Trump women’s rally.
Pro-Life women’s group banned from Women’s March in Washington.
Report: Trump was going to offer Ted Cruz the Supreme Court.
Trump goes after John Lewis again.
News Hour Guest Interview: Lt. Colonel (Ret) Bob MaGinnis, National Security expert to discuss how Donald Trump will handle Vladimir Putin.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Bible Prophecy expert Erika Grey to discuss her book “Decoding 666: The Number of the Beast”.
Other Issues Discussed….
I gave some scientific evidence about the moon that makes it scientifically impossible the moon could be “billions” of years old.
Guest Interview: Professor of History Dr. Larry Schweikart to discuss his book “The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Presidents”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
With the Roe v Wade anniversary this Sunday, I continued a new series on answering the most common false claims given to support abortion.
Hi Bob,
I was wondering if you can tell me were to go to get the list of the legacy of the last 8 years.
I enjoy listening to you every day, Thank you for being a blessing and giving so much knowledge.